USING COOKIES Style Switcher

Live in Style

Style 1 | Style 2 | Style 3 A few points of interest: The HREF links use JavaScript to set a browser cookie named "style". Since we are only setting one cookie and it's name is "style", we can read its value using "document.cookie.charAt(6)". If no cookie is set, "StyleFile" will evaluate to "style.css". The files names of the style sheets need to be "style.css", "style2.css", "style3.css", "style4.css", and so on. REAL Example Kueh lapis

Refresh | Print User Friendly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USING BUTTON to open in new window= Open a new window To Open in new windows

------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE. USING BUTTON New Window-- script ( no need js) ------------------------------------------------------------ open new window ( yahoo answers); //will do the current page.. or.."");