How do I download songs or Video from internet ?

As long as you can listen or watch it, it is downloaded. The files are actually downloaded and stored in your Temporary internet folder. Besides Mp3, WMA files all other files, videos, pictures etc same applies.

Step 1
tools > internet options > press delete files (may take some time) > Then  press settings > view files

Step 2
Once you got your temporary folder ready, listen to the song.

Press view > refresh  if it doesn't appears. and the song file will appear only after you listen to the whole song or after the whole song stops buffering. You may like to sort the files for easy find, Press > type , then look under listing .mp3 or .wma file extension

Step 3
Drag out the temporary files of the song to your desktop. the naming would be weird. like 1[1] or 1[2] or 2[1] . confirm will have two numbers. but one of the numbers will be 1 and the other number which varies, would be the track no. lastly, rename the song file. name can be copied from the place where you listen to the song or from the properties of the song file.

Step 4 ( optional)
Sometimes after you rename, the song name that appears on your mp3 or phone will still be weird. so you can go to the properties and change everything accordingly


Try Also: (alternative method)
Using Google search
1. type  index of/ beatles (or any song titles or singers)
2. Google will search and list a few index of/ sites
3. simply choose one with weird  numbers and click.
4. all the songs of  the Beatles will be listed. Right click to download or open to listen.