HTML Code MiniChapter 14.2: More About Using Frames
Special Linking with Frames
Okay, so let's go back to our original example, the side menu bar.
In file index.htm:
<head><title>title here</title></head>
<frameset cols="15%,85%">
<frame src="menu_bar.htm" name="sidemenu">
<frame src="main.htm" name="mainwindow">
Now, we are going to need to create our menu_bar.htm page, and our main.htm page. Each of these must be edited separately. Each of these pages is almost exactly like a regular HTML page, except that there is an advanced linking option called the target attribute.
If you added regular links in menu_bar.htm and clicked on them, each page would load into the small, side frame! To get around this, you'll want to add a target attribute to each link you want to load in the main window.
inside menu_bar.htm:
<a href="oranges.htm" target="mainwindow">Load oranges</a><br>
<a href="apples.htm" target="mainwindow">Load apples</a><br>
<a href="kiwis.htm" target="mainwindow">Load kiwis</a><br>
Now, when you click on any of those links, they will end up loading in the larger window instead of the smaller window.
If you wanted to change the menu, to say animals instead of fruits from the main window, you could do something like <a href="animals.htm" target="sidemenu">Load animals into side menu bar</a> in main.htm.
There are three important target attributes you should be aware of:
target="_blank" - link is loaded into a new blank browser window (and your old window stays open).
target="_self" - link is loaded into frame that link was clicked in. (this is the default selection. Leave it out if you so please.)
target="_top" - link is loaded into current full browser window, and all frames disappear, leaving the new linked page to occupy the entire window.
Continue on to MiniChapter 14.3 for our third and final lesson about frames.