HTML Code MiniChapter 15: Using Meta Tags

Improving Search Engine Results...
When a search engine finds your page, it will need to index it (that is, add it to its searchable database) with some information off the page. Many search engines now support the <META> tags, which allow you to give keywords and a description to your page. This gives you more control over how your page will show up during a search, and will often cause more traffic to your page.
The <META> tag can be used for a few different purposes. Usually, you should place the <META> tag within the <head> tags at the beginning of your document. To improve search engine results, we will use two specific attributes within the meta tag. Here is an example:

<meta name="description" content="description of page goes here">
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords go here">

When a user searches a search engine that supports meta tags and they query a phrase (search for a keyword) related to your page, your page may show up in the list of results. Your page will be listed by its Title, and then underneath its title will be the first hundred or so characters of the description you placed in the meta tag. It is recommended that you keep the description content to no more than 200 characters. Although the keywords content is not seen by the user when searched, it is recommended to keep this less than 1000 characters, because if you have more the search engine will either ignore the rest or delete you from the index. (Commas are not needed to separate keywords)

Example of a real-life meta situation...


<title>Little Joe's Sound Page</title>
<meta name="description" content="Joe's Collection of Cool Sound files for you to use in your home page!">
<meta name="keywords" content="music sounds midi wav joe collection">

Page Goes Here


Meta tags are not visible in the web page unless the user selects to 'view source'

Automatic Refreshing is supported by Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer among other popular web browsers. This also uses a modified form of the <META> tag. Auto refreshing means that once one page loads, you can set a certain number of seconds and then the browser will load another page automatically. The basic structure is as follows:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="x_seconds; url=">

The URL is the page you want it to refresh to, content is the number of seconds you want it to wait before refreshing, and http-equiv="refresh" just tells it that this is the refresh meta tag. For example, if you wanted the page to refresh to after 5 seconds it would be as follows:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL=http//">
 Try it Yourself! In the Box below, type the following HTML code, then click "Check it Out!" The HTML document you made will be displayed in your browser. You may wish to change the words within the tags just to try it out.

Try typing this:

<head><title>Pratice Meta Tags</title>
<meta name="description" content="Joe's Collection of Cool Sound files for you to use in your home page!">
<meta name="keywords" content="music sounds midi wav joe collection">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=">

This page Copyright &copy; Little Joe's Pages &amp;

</html>"5; URL=">