Headings are some of the most important tags within the BODY of your HTML document. You will usually use a heading to tell what the following section of your page is about. The opening tag for a heading is <hy> and the closing tag is </hy> with y being the size of the heading... from 1 to 6. (1 being largest, and 6 being smallest)

Example of heading tags...
Bob fell over the chicken. [H1]
<h1>Bob fell over the chicken. [H1]</h1>

Bob fell over the chicken. [H2]
<h2>Bob fell over the chicken. [H2]</h2>

Bob fell over the chicken. [H3]
<h3>Bob fell over the chicken. [H3]</h3>

Bob fell over the chicken. [H4]
<h4>Bob fell over the chicken. [H4]</h4>

Bob fell over the chicken. [H5]
<h5>Bob fell over the chicken. [H5]</h5>

Bob fell over the chicken. [H6]
<h6>Bob fell over the chicken. [H6]</h6>

Horizontal Ruled Lines...
Horizontal Ruled Lines are used to separate different areas of a web page. The tag for a horizontal ruled line is <hr>. The horizontal ruled line DOES NOT have a closing tag. You may also add certain attributes to the <hr> tag, such as width=n (for fixed pixel width) or width=n% for a certain percentage of the screen wide, size=n to make the line a certain pixel amount thick, and noshade to turn the line's shading off. A plain <hr> with no attributes will make the line the full width of the screen.
Example of horizontal ruled lines...
<hr width=50> 

<hr width=50%>

<hr size=7> 

<hr noshade>

You may also use several attributes within one tag...
<hr width=50% size=10 noshade>
Try it Yourself!
In the Box below, type the following HTML code, then click "Check it Out!" The HTML document you made will be displayed in your browser. You may wish to change the words within the tags and the tag attributes just to try it out.

Try typing this:

<head><title>Title goes here</title></head>
<h1>Body goes here</h1>
<h3>Headings are cool!</h3>