How to create a Printer Friendly Page

Unless a page prints well without any alterations, include a printable version of it. This does not mean that you must maintain two versions of the page; use CSS to define a separate print stylesheet for your documents.
Some examples of useful code for the print stylesheet are:

a:link:after, a:visited:after, { /* Prints the URL after linked text */
font-size: 85%;
content: " (" attr(href) ")";
text-decoration: none;
img { /* Prevents all images from appearing */
display: none;


<style type="text/css">
@media print{
body{ background-color:#FFFFFF; background-image:none; color:#000000 }
#ad{ display:none;}
#leftbar{ display:none;}
#contentarea{ width:100%;}

There are two methods of using a print stylesheet.

Media Attributes
Include a second stylesheet and specify the media attribute:
<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link href="print2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" />

After you have create the two CSS, you just upload them on to your host server. User will see the normal web page on the screen but when they hit the print button or click on print preview they will be able to  see the print version of  it.

What you see is not what you print . Another method is to create a link "Printer friendly version" somewhere on the document.
Again there are many methods and using various java scripts. or PHP scripts. However some servers does not allow or support PHP scripts and so I use Java scripts instead.

Insert the following java script in between the <head> and </head> section of your html web page. This script will write the documents cookies when your page is downloaded.

var StyleFile = "print" + document.cookie.charAt(6) + ".css";
document.writeln('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + StyleFile + '">');

Next create a link somewhere inside the body content of your document  the following link script. You can either create a text link or using a button to archive this.

Method 1 (using  text link)

<a href="javascript: document.cookie='print='; window.location.reload();">Normal View</a> |
<a href="javascript:%20document.cookie='print=3';window.location.reload();">Print User Friendly View


Method 2 (using a button and new window)
Any of the below scripts may be used

<input type=button value="Printer Friendy"
" style="float: right">


<input type=button value="Printer Friendy version"
" style="float: right">

Method 3 ( using a src image-printer friendly.jpg)

<input type=image src="printer friendly1.jpg"
" style="float: right">
<a href="javascript: document.cookie='print='; window.location.reload();">
Normal View</a>

The parameters are URL, name, features.
URL String specifying the location of the Web page to be displayed in the new window. If you do not want to specify the location,  leave it as an empty space as the URL (this may be the case when you are going to write some script-generated content to your new window as in this case document.cookies='print=3').
NAME   specifying the name of the new window.
  An optional item specifying the features of the new window. The features  may contain one or more feature, separated by commas.